It's The Norm

In the world of show business, Jeff Wayne, is known as Big Daddy! To audiences, he is known as LOL funny! Billed as “A troubled man for troubled times,” his current tirades are about TV, lizards selling us car insurance, Honey Boo Boo on the learning channel, and Jerry Springer still being on TV after all these years, “I guess Jerry and his white trash free-for-all balances with NPR’s monthly Beg-a-thon!”
Wayne will display his sense of humor in the Comedy Club at the Riviera Hotel, beginning Monday, Feb. 11-17. Showtime is 8:30 p.m. and tickets are available for $19.99 plus tax and fees.
Wayne has appeared on HBO, A&E, NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX, SHOWTIME, and you may have seen him on the BBC, CBC, or Scandinavian TV. You see, Big Daddy travels the globe. He is heard frequently on XM/Series Radio, and has performed his critical, and popular one-man show, which is directed by Ted Lange (Isaac from the Love Boat), more than1,000 times. Jeff is originally fromKentucky, and now makes his home in Los Angeles, where he performs regularly at the Comedy Store. He loves Las Vegas, and agrees, what happens there, stays there…my money is what stays there!